You can help make the Farmington River safe for people and fish
Rainbow Dam on the Farmington River, CT | Farmington River Watershed Association
The Farmington River is a vital source of clean drinking water for the region, supports diverse fish and wildlife, and provides boating and other recreation opportunities. But the Rainbow Dam, an outdated hydropower dam near the mouth of the river, is sapping life from the river, blocking fish migration and spurring outbreaks of toxic algae blooms that are harmful to people, pets, and wildlife. Farmington River Power Company and Stanley Black & Decker need to be held accountable for dam operations and ensuring they meet reasonable standards for public health and safety, and the health of the river.
The Farmington River is the Connecticut River’s longest tributary and is a crucial part of life to plants, animals, and people alike, all of which depend on it for survival and wellness. Since there are no dams on the Connecticut River downstream of the Farmington River confluence, experts agree, it is critically important for restoring migratory fish access between Long Island Sound and the Upper Farmington River. Decades of work and successful progress to protect and restore the Farmington River -- as a world-class cold-water fishery, recreation destination, and potential home for hundreds of thousands of migratory fish -- hinges on threats posed by the Rainbow Dam. The company has had well over a century of largely unrestricted use of the Farmington River. It is time for them to demonstrate that they respect the river that they have been exploiting for over a century.
Join us in urging CT DEEP to continue its leadership in river restoration and convince Stanley Black and Decker to act now to put the Farmington River first, ensuring its health and safety for generations to come.