American Rivers
American Rivers

Tell the Army Corps to dump the pump proposal that would endanger the Big
Sunflower and Yazoo Rivers

Ducks in swamp, photo by Stephen Kirkpatrick
Ducks in a Mississippi swamp | Stephen Kirkpatrick

The heart of the Mississippi Flyway, home to more than 450 species of birds, fish, and wildlife -- and one of America’s last intact bottomland hardwood forests -- is threatened by a proposed agricultural drainage project known as the Yazoo Backwater Pumps. The project would damage tens of thousands of acres of wetlands under the guise of flood control, while reinforcing the Mississippi Delta’s systemic racial injustices. This is especially concerning since the Supreme Court recently eliminated Clean Water Act protections for more than half of wetlands in the country. Considered some of the nation’s “richest wetland and waters”, it is now more unacceptable than ever to put critical wetland habitat like the Yazoo Backwater at risk. 

These environmentally damaging pumps are not necessary and would be destructive to the river. In fact, similar proposals in the past were so problematic that they were vetoed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) due to their environmental impact. Unfortunately, this project was revived in 2021. 

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and EPA should say no to the incredibly destructive pumps and instead prioritize immediate, effective flood relief using nature-based and non-structural solutions to help local communities while conserving vital wetlands that provide natural flood protection and climate resilience.

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Assistant Secretary
Army, Civil Works