American Rivers
American Rivers
Blackfoot River, MT | Jaydon Green

The Lolo National Forest is accepting feedback from the public on its draft forest plan until April 1, 2024. Your feedback will help protect rivers in western Montana.

Instructions:  1) copy the recommended comments below 2) visit the Forest Service website to paste, customize, and submit.

How to give flawless feedback: A Three-Part Formula
Giving the government feedback is your right as a community member. Use this formula to highlight the good stuff, change the bad stuff, and make your voice heard.

Part 1: Crushin’ it!
It’s important to tell the Forest Service when they’re doing things right. There’s a lot to say thank you for here. The Lolo National Forest has found 21 rivers and streams to be eligible for Wild and Scenic River protections, including nine rivers that will retain protections they’ve had since 1991.

Part 2: Eddy Out
In addition to highlighting the good things, it’s time to tell the Forest Service how to improve river protections:

  • Wild and Scenic eligible protections are also warranted for the Thompson River, Fish Creek, South Fork Fish Creek, and the St. Regis River.
  • Westslope cutthroat trout must be added to the Species of Conservation Concern list.
  • The Forest needs to better operationalize climate refuge.

Part 3: River Love
Government agencies often dismiss or downgrade identical comments. The most meaningful and memorable comments come from community members who not only offer constructive feedback, but also share how their identity is tied to rivers, a personal story, a memory, or their values for rivers.

Watch our latest webinar on how the decisions the Lolo Naitonal Forest will impact Western Monata's rivers and public lands.

Copy the text in the box below, paste it into the Forest Service comment form, and adapt to include your river story before submitting.
