Congress Must Protect Farmers from Climate Change
Lower Colorado River, Arizona | Photo by Amy Martin
Farmers face some of the most daunting challenges to stay in business. Over the last decade, we've seen increased flooding which leaves many farmers, landowners, and ag producers at risk. The economic impact of severe storms, fires, drought, and flood disasters can be quite expensive. As a result, farmers experience crop loss, contamination, soil erosion, equipment and property loss, livestock loss, and debris deposition. This upcoming Farm Bill will provide the biggest opportunity to fight climate change and keep family farms and other small-scale producers financially sound so they can feed the world.
Right now, Congress can make it easier for farmers to lead in innovation and conservation by making policy changes that will most effectively and efficiently encourage more farmers to adopt multi-use approaches for long-term sustainable agriculture which will help rivers bounce back. These program refinements and investments will not only improve water quality and quantity, but also keep our farmers farming for years to come. We can maximize yields and ensure river protection by taking the following steps for a successful Farm Bill:
- Prioritize floodplain easements and other nature-based solutions with multiple use benefits to address climate change.
- Promote the implementation of river and land management best practices paired with intentional and purposeful climate-smart goals.
- Support source water protection to reduce the risk of contamination to people, the environment, and wildlife.
- Increase drought resilience by enhancing water infrastructure to alleviate water shortages impacting vulnerable population.
- Increase authorized levels of funding for programs that improve river health including water quality and quantity.
- Remove barriers to technical assistance and capacity-building.
- Increase funding for research and development on equitable and sustainable land and water stewardship.
- Assess safety of dams, levees, and reservoirs, and improve rehabilitation of infrastructure and safety assessments.
Today, we’re continuing our work on Capitol Hill to advocate for key reforms that will restore rivers and revitalize farming communities for future generations. Together, we can ensure farmers are not left behind and their families can reliability and confidently depend on key conservation programs to withstand natural disasters. Congress must help farmers stay in business and ensure healthy rivers are a priority in the 2023 Farm Bill.
We urge you to send a message to your members of Congress. Will you join us?