American Rivers
American Rivers

Support the Bureau of Land Management's newly proposed Public Lands Rule

Rio Grande | Photo by Sinjin Eberle

In the Western United States, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is an important steward of our public lands and waters. BLM manages more than 250,000 miles of streams and rivers, roughly 8% of the nation’s riverways and associated riverside lands. BLM’s water resources are estimated to provide drinking water to 1 in 10 Americans in the Western United States. The BLM manages some of the best remaining healthy rivers in the West, including 81 designated wild and scenic rivers. While western wetlands have been reduced to just two percent of the land surface, they support around 80 percent of the area’s biodiversity. 

However, our public lands and waters are facing many challenges. Climate change impacts, including increased drought and unprecedented wildfires, as well as invasive species and development needs on and adjacent to federal lands are placing additional pressures on our public lands and waters. To help address these challenges, the BLM recently released the proposed Public Lands Rule, a proposed plan to ensure healthy lands and waters, abundant wildlife habitat, clean water and balanced decision-making on lands managed by BLM. It puts conservation on an equal footing with other uses while upholding BLM's multiple use and sustainable yield mission. You can learn more from BLM about the proposal here. 

Tell the BLM you support the Public Lands Rule and you want to see our public waters protected and restored to ensure their use and enjoyment of present and future generations. Send BLM Director Stone-Manning an email supporting this proposed plan.


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Bureau of Land Mangement